Ukulele for Beginners

Only 3 available

“After dinner, the ukuleles would come out and you’d inevitably find yourself singing all these old numbers.” Paul McCartney

This three-week series will be appropriate both for those who have never played an instrument, as well as for those who have learned another instrument and now want to learn a new one! With only four strings and needing only your fingers to strum, the ukulele is perhaps the easiest instrument to learn. This course will serve as an instrument introduction and provide students with instant access to making music on the ukulele. The goals will be to learn basic chords; strumming and rhythms; and playing a song using the chords learned… Hallelujah (from the movie Shrek). Each student will realize that they can be a ukulele player!

Participants should bring their own ukulele (soprano, concert, or tenor size). Ukes can be borrowed from an acquaintance or checked out from the Kirkland Town or Waterville libraries for a week at a time. Should you wish to purchase one, beginning ukes can cost as little as $40. If you own a music stand, it would be helpful to bring that as well, but it is not required.

Tuesdays, May 21 & 28, and June 4th from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm

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